Sarntal/Südtirol - Sonntag, 23. September bis Freitag, 5. Oktober 2001


Talks, Speakers, and Literature

  1. Taxonomy (1 Talk)
    Speaker: TBA
  2. Design of Wearable Computers and Wearable Computer Projects (1-2 talks)
    Speaker: Sascha Moehrs and Holger Scherl
    Literature Contact: Asim Smailagic
    • [Siewiorek 2001] D. P. Siewiorek, A. Smailagic, "User-Centered Interdisciplinary Design Of Wearable Computers," HCII Handbook (Eds. A. Sears and J. Jacko), Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, 2001.
    • [Smailagic 2001] A. Smailagic, D. P. Siewiorek, D. Reilly, "CMU Wearable Computers for Real -Time Speech Translation," IEEE Personal Communications, Vol. 8, No.2, April 2001, pp. 6-12.
    • MIThril Project. Massachussets Institue of Technology, http://
    • UbiCom Project. TU Delft,
    • LART Project. TU Delft,
    • Carnegie Mellon Wearable Group: Spot Carnegie Mellon University,\
  3. Mobile Collaboration (1 talk)
    Speaker: Michael Botsch
    Literature Contact: Asim Smailagic
    • [Siewiorek 1998] D. P. Siewiorek, A. Smailagic, L.Bass, J. Siegel, R. Martin, B. Bennington, "Adtranz: A Mobile Computing System for Maintenance and Collaboration," Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Pittsburgh, PA, October 19 98, pp. 25-32.
    • [Smailagic 1999] A. Smailagic, D. P. Siewiorek, B. Iannucci, A. Dahbura, L. Bass, "MoCCA: A Mobile Communication and Computing Architecture", ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Vol.3, No.4, Oct. 1999, pp. 39-45.
    • [Billinghurst 1999] M. Billinghurst, H. Kato, "Asymmetries in Collaborative Wearable Interfaces," Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, San Francisco, CA, October 1999, pp. 133-140.
  4. Wearable and Mobile Applications (1 talk)
    Speaker: Martin Adamski adamski(at)
    Literature Contact: Asim Smailagic
  5. Augmented Reality Applications (2 talks)
    Speakers: Konstantinos Panagiotou , Thomas Klimpel
    LiteratureContact: Gudrun Klinker
    • [Berger 1998] (application: medicine) "Computer-vision-enabled ophthalmic augmented reality: A PC-based prototype", J.W. Berger and D.S. Shin. 1rst International Workshop on Augmented Reality (IWAR'98), San Francisco, 1998, pp. 19-30.
    • [Mizell 1998] (application: aircraft maintenance) "Several Devils in the Details: Making an AR App Work in the Airplane Factory", D. Curtis, D. Mizell, P. Gruenbaum, and A. Janin. 1rst International Workshop on Augmented Reality (IWAR'98), San Francisco, 1998, pp.47-60.
    • [Reiners 1998] (application: car manufacturing) "Augmented Reality for Construction Tasks: Doorlock Assembly", D. Reiners , D. Stricker, G. Klinker, and S. Mueller. 1rst International Workshop on Augmented Reality (IWAR'98), San Franscisco, 1998, pp. 31-46.
    • [Feiner 1999] (application: tourism) "Wearing It Out: First steps Toward Mobile Augmented Reality Systems", S. Feiner, B. MacIntyre, and T. H\'9allerer, Mixed Reality - Merging Real and Virtual Worlds (Y. Ohta and H. Tamura, eds.), Springer-Verlag ISBN 3-540-65623-5, 1999, pp. 363-378.
    • [Klinker 2001] (application: plant maintenance) G. Klinker, O. Creighton, A.H. Dutoit, R. Kobylinski, C. Vilsmeier, B. Bruegge Augmented maintenance of powerplants: A prototyping case study of a mobile AR system (To appear at the The Second IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Augmented Reality. New York, NY, October 29-30, 2001).
  6. Ubiqutious Computing (1 talk)
    Speaker: Markus Dunst
    LiteratureContact: Asim Smailagic, Bernd Bruegge
    • [Weiser 1993] "Some Computer Science Issues in Ubiquitous Computing", M. Weiser, Communications of the ACM, July 1993, Vol. 36, No. 7, pp. 75-84.
    • [Satyanarayanan 2001 ] Satyanarayanan, M. "Pervasive Computing: Vision and Challenges," IEEEPersonal Communications, in press, 2001.
    • [Matsushita 2000] N. Matsushita, S. Tajima, Y. Ayatsuka and J. Rekimoto, "Wearable Key: Device for Personalizing nearby Environment," Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Atlanta, GA, October 2000, pp. 119-126.
    • [Bruegge 2000] B. Bruegge, R. Pfleghar, T. Reicher, Internet Framework for Cooperative Buildings. EIB Event 2000 Munich, Germany, October 4 & 5, 2000.
  7. Software Architectures Issues (1 Talk)
    Speaker: TBA
    Literature Contact: Bernd Bruegge
  8. Context Aware Computing (1 talk)
    Speaker: Maria.Danninger
    Literature Contact: Asim Smailagic
    • [Smailagic 2001] A. Smailagic, D.P. Siewiorek, J. Anhalt, F. Gemperle, D. Salber, S. Weber, J. Beck, J. Jennings, "Towards Context Aware Computing: Experiences and Lessons", IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2001.
    • [Farringdon 1999] J. Farringdon, A. J. Moore, N. Tilbury, J. Church and P. D. Biemond, "Wearable Sensor Badge and Sensor Jacket for Context Awareness," Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, San Francisco, CA, October 1999, pp. 107-113.
    • [Healey 1998] J. Healey and R. W. Picard, "StartleCam: A Cybernetic Wearable Camera," Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Pittsburgh, PA, October 1998, pp. 42-49.
  9. Service Discovery and Service Location (2 talks)
    Speaker: Johannes Woehler
    LiteratureContact:: Bernd Bruegge, Asim Smailagic
    • Bluetooth Special Interest Group.
    • [Guttman 1999] E. Guttman, C. Perkins, J. Veizades, and M. Day, Service Location Protocol. IETF, RFC 2608, June 1999.
    • [Herrmann 2000] R. Hermann, D. Husemann, M. Moser, M. Nidd, C. Rohner, and A. Schade, DEAPSpace - Transient Ad-hoc Networking of Pervasive Devices, tech. rep., IBM Research, May 2000.
    • Jini\
    • [Kehr 2000] R. Kehr, Spontane Vernetzung. Infrastruktur-Konzepte für die Post-PC-Ära, Informatik-Spektrum, 3, 23 (2000).
    • [Perkins ] C. Perkins, Service Location Protocol White Paper. Sun Microsystems,
    • Service Location Protocol. Service Location Protocol Reference Implementation. Sun Microsystems,
    • Universal Plug and Play.
  10. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (2 talks)
    Speaker: Stephan Micklitz
    Literature Contact: Andreas Harrer
    • [Barros 1999] Barros, Beatriz and M.F. Verdejo: An approach to analyse collaboration when shared structured workspaces are used for carrying out group learning processes. Lajoie, Susanne P. and Martial Vivet: Proc. of the World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education AI-ED 99, 449-456, Amsterdam, 1999. IOS Press.
    • [Chan 1988] Chan, Tak-Wai and Arthur B. Baskin: ``Studying with the prince''. Frasson, C. and Gauthier, G. and McCalla, G.I.: Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Montreal, 1988.
    • [Harrer 2000] Harrer, Andreas: Unterstüftzung von Lerngemeinschaften in verteilten intelligenten Lehrsystemen. PhD thesis, Technische Universität München, Institut für Informatik, 2000.
    • [Ikeda 1997] Ikeda, Mitsuru and Shogo Go and Riichiro Mizoguchi: Opportunistic group formation. Boulay, B. du and R. Mizoguchi: Proceedings of the World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AI-ED 97, 167-174, Kobe, 1997.
    • [Paiva 1997] Paiva, Ana: Learner modelling for collaborative learning environments. Boulay, B. du and R. Mizoguchi: Proceedings of the World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education AI-ED 97, 215-222, Kobe, 1997.
    • [Rickel 1999] Rickel, Jeff and W. Lewis Johnson: Virtual humans for team training in virtual reality. Lajoie, Susanne P. and Martial Vivet: Proc. of the World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education AI-ED 99, 578-585, Amsterdam, 1999. IOS Press.
  11. Tracking (1 Talk)
    Speaker: Andreas Krause
    Literature Contact: Gudrun Klinker
    • Tracking: [Rolland 2001] "A Survey of Tracking Technology for Virtual Environments", J.P. Rolland, L.D. Davis, and Y. Baillot. Chapter 3 in: Fundamentals of wearable computing and augmented reality. W. Barfield and Th. Caudell (eds.). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, London, 2001, pp. 67-112.
    • [McGarrity 1999] "A Method for Calibrating See-through Head-mounted Displays for AR", E. McGarrity and M. Tuceryan. In proc. IWAR'99, pp. 75-84.
    • [Kato 1999] "Marker Tracking and HMD Calibration for a Video-based Augmented Reality Conferencing System", H. Kato and M. Billinghurst. In proc. IWAR'99, pp. 85-94.
    • [Klinker 2000] G. Klinker, T. Reicher, B. Bruegge, Distributed User Tracking Concepts for Augmented Reality Applications. International Symposium on Augmented Reality (ISAR'2000). Munich, Germany, October, 2000.
  12. Display Hardware (1 talk)
    Speaker: Michael Fischer
    LiteratureContact: Gudrun Klinker
    • [Barfield 2001] "Optical versus Video See-Through Head-Mounted Displays", J.P. Rolland and H. Fuchs. Chapter 4 in: Fundamentals of wearable computing and augmented reality. W. Barfield and Th. Caudell (eds.). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, London, 2001, pp. 113-156.
    • [Kiyokawa 2000] "An Optical See-through Display for Mutual Occlusion of Real and Virtual Environments", K. Kiyokawa, Y. Kurata, and H. Ohno. In proc. ISAR'00, pp. 60-67.
    • [Takagi 2000] "Development of a Stereo Video See-through HMD for AR Systems", A. Takagi, S. Yamazaki, Y. Saito, and N. Taniguchi. In proc. ISAR'00, pp. 68-77.
  13. Information Presentation (1 talk)
    Speaker: Dominik Wever
    Literature-Info: Gudrun Klinker, Bernd Bruegge
    • [Julier 2000] "Bridging Multiple User Interface Dimensions with Augmented Reality", D. Schmalstieg, A. Fuhrmann, and G. Hesina. In proc. ISAR'00, pp. 20-29. "Information Filtering for Mobile Augmented Reality", S. Julier, et al. In proc. ISAR'00, pp. 3-11.
    • [Butz 1999] "Enveloping Users and Computers in a Collaborative 3D Augmented Reality", A. Butz, T. Höllerer, S. Feiner, B. MacIntyre, and C. Beshers. In proc. IWAR '99, pp. 35-44.
    • [Sandor 2001] C. Sandor, T. Reicher, CUIML: A Language for the Generation of Multimodal Human-Computer Interfaces, Proceedings of the European User Interface Markup Language Conference (UIML). Paris, France, March 2001.

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