In February members of our chair organised the 1st International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems in the Context of Smart Cities (CPSSC'16) and the Workshop on Continuous Software Engineering (CSE’16) as part of SE 2016. Andreas Seitz and Constantin Scheuermann were responsible for the CPSSC’16 and Lukas Alperowitz together with colleagues from the RWTH Aachen were in charge for CSE’16.
The results of the CPSSC Workshop have been video recorded and are available online.
As part of the opening session, Volker Hartkopf held the keynote of the CPSSC´16 about "Campuses as Living & Lived Laboratories for Smart Cities".
After a short break, the scientific program started with the following contributions:
As part of the closing session a panel discussion with well-known experts in the area of Smart Cities, Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Office Environments was organized. The scope of the discussion was "The Future of Smart Cities", which was moderated by Prof. Bernd Brügge, Ph.D.
Members of the Panel Discussion:
- Prof. Dr.h.c. Volker Hartkopf, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
- Oliver Juli, Aspern Smart City Research
- Prof. Dr. Ardeshir Mahdavi, Technische Universität Wien
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Monika Sturm, Leibniz Universität Hannover
The entire panel discussion as been recorded and is available online https://cloudbruegge.in.tum.de/index.php/s/V5eH9vH42wD0X3E.
Special thanks goes to Ruth Demmel and Andreas Jung for their great support during and after the CPSSC workshop, 2016.