Usability Engineering
A good user experience can make a big difference between a software being a huge success and a software being completely ignored. With mobile devices usability has become even more important due to several reasons.
- Shorter lifecycle and more volatile market than computer software
- Usage of software while being on the move
- Wider user group
The difference between the customer's wishes, the user's needs and the developer's understanding was described by Norman:

On our chair we are experimenting with and researching different factors that influence usability. For example, how does a UI that looks extremely polished influence the feedback that we receive in usability tests differ from feedback that we receive on the same prototype which looks as if it had been drawn in 10 minutes. The goal is to find ways to make usability tests more effective and create apps that provide an interesting and innovative user experience. Prototyping with low-fidelity mockups and obtaining feedback is the starting point:

Research Members

Stephan Krusche
Dr. rer. nat
Research Group Leader (Postdoc)

Dora Dzvonyar
Master of Science
Doctoral Candidate

Jan Knobloch
Master of Science
Doctoral Candidate

Han Xu
Master of Science
Doctoral Candidate

Jan Ole Johanßen
Master of Science
Doctoral Candidate
Projects Partners and Co-operations
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