Speech Team
- TCSpeechRecognition: Complex Commands Demo
- we wrote an objective-c wrapper for the apple speech recognition manager c-api
- it allows to define and recognize complex command sets. e.g.,
- command ::= "What time is it" | complexCommand
- commandSet ::= "please" action target time
- action ::= "open" | "close"
- target ::= "browser" | "finder"
- time ::= "now" | "later"
- To change the command set of the demo, change the DemoController.m's buildCommandSet method
- the framework is fully functional but since we mainly intended to do a proof of concept, there are still some things missing
- exception handling
- search for memory leaks (there may be some)
- TCCommand saveToFile methods
- TC stands for "Tobias-Christoph"
- the object model of TCSpeechRecognition
- v1.0:
- info:
this is the first version of a demo, using the speech APIs. Words can be recognized and be spoken.
- info: