Typ: Seminar / Hauptseminar
Semesterwochenstunden: 2+0
Semesterwochenstunden: 2+0
Seminar: Games Development with iOS - SS 12
The course is aimed to give an introduction to Objective-C programming with Xcode 4.3 IDE and iOS 5.x and to game development. Students will learn how to program in Objective-C and how to use Cocoa Touch libraries to develop iOS applications. The course language is English.
The goal of the course is to prepare iOS beginners to participate in projects focusing on the development of iOS applications for real customers. After the introductory sessions on the first three days, the students have one week to develop their own game in groups of two. Additionally experienced students (tutors) will hold presentations about advanced topics and supervise the students in their development. At the end of the seminar, the students deliver and demonstrate their first iOS game in a short presentation.Prerequisite
Participating students are familiar with the concepts of object oriented programming and have experiences in a programming language such as Java, C++ or C#. Background knowledge in Objective-C and MacOS X is not required.
The seminar is already full. No further applications are possible. The seminar will be offered again in WS 12/13 in October 2012.
The seminar is already full. No further applications are possible. The seminar will be offered again in WS 12/13 in October 2012.
Course Details
- Info meeting: Wednesday February, 1st 2012, 2:00 - 3:00 pm, Room: 00.08.038
- Time: block course in the first two weeks of April 2012 (see schedule below)
- Room: Aquarium (01.09.022)
- Number of participants is limited to 25 students
- Mandatory attendance
- Contact: Stephan Krusche
If you want to prepare for the course, we recommend the following tutorials:
- Stanford iOS Tutorial: http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs193p
- Apple guide “Your First iOS App”: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/iphone/conceptual/iPhone101/Articles/00_Introduction.html
Schedule (prospective)
- Monday, April 2nd 2012, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm: Start of the seminar, Introduction into Objective C and Xcode
- Tuesday, April 3rd 2012, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm: Programming with Objective C
- Wednesday, April 4th 2012, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm: Enhanced topics for Game Development
- Thursday, April 5th 2012, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm: Advanced game topics
- Thursday, April 5th 2012, 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm: Programming Assignment
- Thursday, April 5th 2012, 4:30 pm - Monday, April 16th 2012 afternoon: Development of an iOS Game in groups of 2 students (Compulsory attendance except holidays)
- Probably: ~Monday, April 16th 2012 afternoon: Presentation and demonstration of the results
To apply
Send an email to Stephan Krusche with:
- Name
- Matrikel number
- Bachelor/Master & Major subject (e.g. Bachelor Computer Science)
- Semester
- Experiences with object oriented programming languages
- Experiences with iOS development
- Short motivation (max. 100 words) why you want to attend the course
Please also specify whether you have a MacBook, iPad, iPhone and/or iPod Touch!
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Prof. Bernd Brügge, Ph.D. |
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Stephan Krusche |
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Barbara Köhler |