OWL: An object-oriented Framework for intelligent Home and Office Applications


Bernd Brügge

Ralf Pfleghar

Thomas Reicher

Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für angewandte Softwaretechnik
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München

Email: {bruegge,pfleghar,reicher}(at)in.tum.de

Abstract. The goal of the OWL (Object-Oriented Workplace Laboratory) system is to provide an object-oriented and component-based framework that supports the engineering of applications for the design, simulation, construction, and operation of buildings with more efficient use of building facilities. OWL is based on a software architecture using a combination of web and object technology. It offers location transparent and manufacturer independent access to a variety of facility control systems, and allows users to define "scenes" to adapt their work environment.

In this paper, we describe the requirements, system design and a conceptual prototype of the OWL framework. We discuss how the application of design patterns and component technology impacts the framework to support the maintenance of corporate sites globally distributed across the world. A conceptual prototype of OWL written in Java is operational, managing distributed facilities at the Intelligent Workplace at Carnegie Mellon University and at the Technische Universität München.

Keywords. intelligent workplace, object-oriented workplace, control system, facility management, design patterns, framework, component-based software engineering


The health, well-being, motivation and productivity of office workers (over half of the U.S. work force of 120 million people) depend significantly on the pleasant personalized arrangement of their office interior. Examples would be quantity and quality of lighting, including daylighting systems. Glare (reflected or indirect), illuminance and contrast values are critical.

OWL attempts to deal with some of these problems, and provides users with a high degree of control over their work space in a cooperative building. From their user interface, they can request changes in the temperature, light level, and other aspects of the environment. These changes are then effected through adjustments in exterior louvres, internal lighting systems, and the HVAC system. Through a network of environmental sensors located in each work area, an energy-efficient adjustment of building climate systems can also be formulated and executed by OWL.

Today there are several different control system solutions available for facility management, such as the European Installation Bus EIB (see the homepage of the EIB Association, 1999) developed by Siemens or Luxmate from Zumtobel AG (see Zumtobel homepage, 1999). The problem is that these solutions cannot cooperate. A company might start with a homogenous control system but due to evolution and mergers with other companies, it soon faces the problem of heterogeneous control systems globally distributed over several locations. Another shortcoming with the current solutions is that the level of control is coarse. For example, with the Zumtobel Luxmate system a facility manager can group several lamps, adjust the lightness, and map them to a specific switch. But each switch can only be mapped to a single group. Multiple users cannot allocate switches with their own groups.

OWL is independent from proprietary control systems and allows a flexible customization of the office interior by the user.

We introduce a layer of abstraction that is built on top of the proprietary control systems which are hidden from the users unless they need to see them, like a Luxmate engineer that has to check Luxmate controlled facilities. Controlled objects can form a group and be associated with commands that change their settings. We call this a scene. Scenes can be changed dynamically and belong to users. Users can adapt their environment, starting with a default environment set by a facility manager.

The paper is organized as follows. In the next section we represent the requirements and models of an adaptable framework for intelligent home/office applications, such as a facility management system. In section "System Design" we give an overview of the framework, and in section 4-8, we describe the system components. A major design goal was the use of design patterns (see Gamma et al.,1996) to create a reusable and extendable framework. For our models we use the Unified Modeling Language from Booch et. al (1998). We describe the status of our work in section "Prototype" and related work in the next section. We conclude with a summary and future work.


Requirements Analysis


The following set of scenarios represent typical use cases for a system based on the OWL framework.

Scenario 1: Control.

Office worker Ralf enters his office. He launches the OWL based facility management application, and changes the view appropriately to display the floorplan of the office and the controls for all the devices associated with it. He adjusts the lights for better comfort. A moment later, the lights and the louvres in the room are set to a new level that satisfies his preferences. The display warns him that one lightbulb is inoperative. Ralf replaces it and the display indicates that the lightbulb is working again.

Scenario 2: Directing

The facility user Jane wants to make her office more comfortable. She logs into the system, defines a new group of office facilities, and assigns new settings and behaviors to them, such as starting the air conditioning after she entered the office building, and closing the louver of the upper windows. She saves this scene under the name "Jane's summer settings", and attaches it to her user profile.

Scenario 3: Getting Status

The facility manager Joe takes inventory of the equipment in a particular room. After launching the OWL based facility management system, a display comes up with a view of the entire site. Joe selects the appropriate building and views its 2-dimensional layout. He requests "Show me conference room B," and a moment later the display shows the room and its contents. The temperature sensor for the room shows that the temperature is currently fluctuating between 76 and 77 degrees.

Scenario 4: Diagnosis

The facility manager Jack receives an alarm on his personal digital assistant indicating that an air-conditioner is malfunctioning in a certain room. Visiting the room in 3-dimensional mode, the facility manager selects the hot spot associated with the air-conditioner which contains information such as model, make, last date of maintenance, serial number, manufacturer and an error code for the failure.

Scenario 5: Repair

As the damage is only minor the facility manager orders the caretaker Wilma to repair the malfunctioning air-conditioner. As the site is quite large the caretaker uses a wearable computer with head mounted display where she is shown the shortest way to the room. Vendor specific on-line repair instructions have already been transmitted together with the provision of the appropriate replacement part for the air-conditioner. After Wilma repairs the air-conditioner, OWL automatically reports to the facility manager that it has successfully been restarted.


Functional Requirements

The functional requirements for the OWL framework are:


Non-functional Requirements

To provide a truly usable application that competes with the simple operation of a light switch, it is important to note, that users will simply not accept a system that would require the operation of lightswitches via a desktop computer. Turning on the lights of an office should be as simple as using the light switch in that room. This has important ramifications for the human computer interface of applications using the OWL framework. First, the control system must be accessible via standard light switch interfaces. Second, the user interface must be provided with a meaningful display of the information obtained from the system sensors, as well as a mechanism that allows easy manipulation of sensors. The framework therefore should support different types of inputs, for example speech-based input, pen-based input, mouse/keyboard based input and other modalities such as gesturing, clapping, face tracking, and motion sensing. Moreover, the applications using the OWL framework should not expect users to have their hands free when interacting with the system. For security reasons the framework has to be able to safely authenticate the user that wants to manipulate a device. Third, the system must be platform independent, and interact with control systems from different manufacturers. To provide manufacturer independence, the OWL system has to be flexible and modular to support hardware from different vendors with various degrees of computer interaction and a variety of input/output controls. In particular OWL must be able to simultaneously control a variety of sensors provided by different manufacturers.

Finally, the OWL system must provide location transparent access to sensors and actuators of the whole site, independent from their physical location.

Structural Model

We use several UML class diagrams to describe the structural model of the OWL framework. Section "Static model of a Site" gives an overview of the framework. Section "OWL User" and section "OWLObject" discuss the abstractions OWLUser and OWLObject. Section "OWL User" also describes how Scene objects associate an OWL user with OWL objects.

Static Model of a Site

The static facility model is an abstraction of corporate sites as they can be found in reality. Examples for static models are CAD models created by architects. The OWL static facility model is similar to the SEMPER model (Mahdavi, 1996), and can be instantiated with data from a CAD system such as MicroStation from Bentley Systems (Bentley Systems, 1999). This model can be used to display buildings in 2D or 3D. All objects of the static facility model are tangible objects that exist in the real world and have certain geometric attributes.


OWL User

OWL distinguishes five types of OWL users with different needs and rights.


An Occupant represents a person physically located in the site or building. An Occupant has a location and a user profile. An Occupant may move within the site, and change its position.


A User can control and observe resources in the building. A User must be properly identified and can have different access rights for different resources. Users can specify a variable number of user-specific preferences as scenes to customize their environment, and have a specified workplace position.


Administrators manipulate devices, manage users and groups, define a set of predefined OWL events and formulate default settings for user profiles. The Administrator can also define specific access rights to rooms or devices. A synonym for Administrator is facility manager.


Caretakers are Users with the additional capability to receive OWL events ( See Event Hierarchy. ) from devices. This could, for example, be events for damaged light bulbs or events associated with the heating system. Caretakers can also add new OWL events to the event hierarchy.


Architects are responsible for the static model of the building or site. They have the right to import/export complete models from CAD systems into a OWL bases application as well as modify the models.


OWLObject is the super class of all objects that represent any tangible object of the real world and that may be contained in a scene. The subclass Sensor contains all devices of the real world that are capable of generating events, for example a motion sensor. Actuators are devices that can react on commands, for example simple lightbulbs are actuators. Controllers are able to do both. For example, a lightbulb that "knows" its condition would be a controller. Furniture is neither a sensor nor actuator because it does not have a built-in controller that reacts on electronic signals. Note that in our classification, a simple Edison-type lightbulb is a Furniture object. Furniture objects can be included in scenes, for example an OWL scene might require a beamer for a slideshow presentation. Inclusion of non-Controller objects is also important to support mobile users who frequently change their offices but require the same OWL scene to work effectively in different parts of the building or at different sites.



Scenes are an important feature of the OWL system and are modeled with the composite pattern (Gamma et. al, 1996). An OWL scene is either a single OWLObject or a Grouping object that in turn may consist of several lower level OWL scenes. The use of the composite pattern allows users to change a scene dynamically. Scenes are linked to user profiles allowing users to modify existing scenes or create their own user-specific scenes.

Scenes allow users to provide OWLObjects with commands that have to be executed. Scenes can subscribe to OWLEvents. Assume, for example, a scene from user Jim that contains two OWL objects Heater and Light. The scene includes commands for starting the heating half an our before Jim enters his office. When the timer device issues a timer event Jim's scene checks the time, and orders its scenes to execute the command to start up the heating device. 


System Design

The OWL framework consists of four major subsystems, User Applications, System Applications, System Services and OWL Objects (see Figure 5).

User Applications are the Scene Creator, Facility Management and the Simulator. The System Applications provide services for more than one of the User Applications. Examples of System Applications are Diagnostics and Decisions Support systems. The System Services provide common services needed by the User Applications as well as System Applications. Systems Services are the Name Service, Authentication Service, Geometry Service, Data logger Service and User Profile Service. OWL Objects (see See OWLObject. ) provide access to the physical sensors, actuators and controllers.

All the OWL subsystems communicate with each other via OWL events using the OWL bus. Collection of OWL events can be grouped into Channels. Any OWL subsystem is able to publish and to subscribe to OWL events (see See Event Hierarchy. ). OWL users can also publish/subscribe to events.



The OWL bus supports two different types of communication among the OWL subsystems: broadcast- and peer-to-peer communication. Broadcast messages are sent by publishers to all the subscribers of a particular OWL channel. An example of an OWL event publisher is a lightbulb, which notifies a Caretaker of its current state as soon as the Diagnostics System diagnoses a failure. There can be more than one subscriber or more than one publisher to any channel.

The OWL protocol provides a platform independent way for subsystems and OWL objects to communicate with each other. It allows OWL objects to discover each other, to receive a list of event channels that exist for a given site, and to connect to the channels either as publisher or subscriber. The OWL protocol also provides the ability to send simple generic commands to other OWL objects. Once two OWL objects have discovered each other, they can also communicate directly using a specific protocol known only by the communication partners. For example, the Facility Management application discovered some lightbulbs, and receives references to them. Now it can use a device specific protocol and invoke commands on those lightbulbs.

The OWL protocol is realized by the Event Service, which is the backbone of the OWL bus. The Event Service administers the event channels for communication between OWL objects. Any OWL object using the OWL protocol must connect to the Event Service. This is done with a broadcast on a well-known channel that was established by the Event Service. Once the OWL object is connected to the Event Service, it can ask for information about existing event channels and connect to any event channel either as publisher or subscriber.

Event Hierarchy

There are three types of OWL events. SensorEvents are emitted by sensors somewhere within a site. SensorEvents allow OWL objects to broadcast interesting occurrences such as a change in the temperature or light, a motion, a vibration, smoke or something similar. The second type of OWL events are Control Events that enable users and OWL subsystems to send commands to other OWL objects. Simple examples are "Start of OWLObject" and "Stop Operation of OWL Object". Response Events allow OWL objects to respond to Control Events and user actions such as turning on a light. Examples of Response Events are "OWL Object has Started", "OWL Object has Stopped". OWL objects may publish Response Events even if they did not receive the corresponding Control Event.


OWL Families

OWL objects from the same vendor specific control system are modeled with the abstract factory pattern and the bridge pattern (Gamma et. al 1995). All OWL objects from the same vendor are grouped in a family created by the abstract factory. In Figure 6, the European Installation Bus Family (EIBFactory) creates a family of EIB controlled lights (EIBLight) and windows (EIBWindows) whereas the Luxmate factory does the same for Luxmate controlled devices (LuxmateLight, LuxmateWindow). Using the abstract factory pattern applications using the OWL framework do not have to know how vendor specific lights are controlled. OWL based applications simply access OWL objects, for example a light, without knowing that it is a Luxmate controlled light.





The bridge pattern shown in Figure 7 makes OWL independent from vendor specific control systems. The functionality of the OWL object Light, for example, is implemented by a separate object, the LightImp Object, which connects to the control system of the device. As the access to a control system is vendor specific, subclasses of LightImpl are used to do vendor specific tasks. For example, the OWL Object Light for the EIB (EIBLight) is implemented by EIB which is a subclass of LightImp.



User Applications

User applications are predefined applications provided with the OWL framework.

Facility Management

The facility management application helps the facility manager to control a building by providing him with different views of the site. For example, one view might be a navigable map of all OWL objects, another one might be a list of all malfunctioning controllers.

Scene Creator

This application allows the creation of user defined scenes. OWL presents a list of the available OWL objects to the OWL user who can then select some of them, group them, define a comfortable setting and save it as a scene. Scenes can be attached to OWL events, so they can be triggered automatically when the event occurs. An example would be the start of the HVAC system and the closing of all the blinds in a set of offices, when a certain temperature has been reached.


This applications allows simulations to be run on a site or on a building. Administrators are able to manipulate the site without affecting the real environment. For debugging and testing purposes, they can manually create OWL events.


System Applications

Decision Support

This subsystem analyzes user behavior and generates models about the behavior. That way inefficient behaviors (waste of energy) might be detected by comparing the actual behavior with an optimal model.


The diagnostics subsystem detects system failures and behaviors of devices changing over time. For example the addition of new sensors or actuators to the site might cause a change in the behavior of the building such as an increase in energy use in a particular set of offices.


System Services

Name Service

All subsystem are location independent, therefore a mechanism for locating the subsystem is necessary. The Name Service subsystem keeps track of all systems. Each subsystem has to register with the Name Service.

Authentication Service

This service provides the possibility for the authentication of users. OWL uses authentication for authorization checking of user commands such as stopping the main server, and for applying the correct user profile. Examples for authentication methods are fingerprint scanning or an iButton from Dallas Semiconductor Corp (1999).

Datalogger Service

This service logs OWL events when OWL based applications are running. For example, the data can be used in field service applications for error tracing as well as by the Diagnostics subsystem.

User Profile Service.

A user profile stores a range of user specific information such as the name of the user, and scenes associated with the user. User profiles can be stored on a smart card or in a local database, accessible via a local area network.


This subsystem provides the interface and import/export filters for different CAD formats and tools. The interfaces can be used for dynamic updates of the building by importing updated CAD model of the building or site.

Geometry Service

3 dimensional views of buildings cannot be generated on the fly without any preprocessing, especially on devices with small compute power like wearable devices. The Geometry Service connects to the CADInterface and calculates a 3D model of the site or building. This model can then be used by the user interface of a User Application to provide, for example, a VRML model of the site.



A conceptual prototype demonstrating some of the capabilities of OWL has been developed for two distributed locations: the Intelligent Workplace located at the Carnegie Mellon University, and the Intelligent Home lab located at the Technische Universität München. The prototype provides access to two Luxmate lighting control systems via a Web based user interface.

The prototype was developed with JDK 1.1. For the implementation of the OWL bus we used remote method invocations which we tested with CORBA 2.0 and RMI from Javasoft, respectively. A comparison between the approaches with CORBA and RMI can be found in Fernandes (1997).

A demonstration of scenario 1 is available on the OWL homepage at http://atbruegge13.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/OWL. Two movies show the scenario 1 "Control" where the OWL user Ralf is working on his computer. One movie shows the user interface (see Figure 8) of the prototype, and the recording of the Luxmate lighting box (Figure 9) in parallel. The second movie shows Ralf with his laptop in the lab. With his OWL based facility management application he controls each light of a Luxmate lighting system. The user interface shows a detailed 2D floor plan of the OWL controlled building with the lights symbolized as boxes in the upper left corner. The upper right corner contains the control buttons for the certain lightbulb that is actually selected. The lower left corner contains control output, and the lower right corner is for 2D navigation through the building. The movies show how Ralf switches several lights on and off. When a light is switched off the light icon is gray, when it is switched on it changes to green. When a lightbulb is out of order (demonstrated by Ralf removing the lightbulb) OWL announces it to the user by turning the light icon red. OWL also knows the location of the lightbulb from the CAD drawing, and moves the focus of the detailed map to that location. When Ralf replaces the lightbulb the light icon turns green.


Related work

Control bus systems such as EIB or Luxmate are not designed for openness and collaboration. They enable the control of building facilities such as lightbulbs but do not incorporate any intelligence into the devices. Instead the devices are controlled by a centralized control unit.

Other approaches handle electronic devices as objects, and establish communication between them. The objects are accessible over an object oriented API. Examples are the JINI technology from Sun Microsystems (see JINI homepage on Javasoft 1999) for Java capable devices,or the HAVi homepage (1999) for Java capable home entertainment devices. Another effort is the Open Service Gateway Initiative (OSGI, 1999) that aims at specifying an open standard for connecting the coming generation of smart consumer and small business appliances with commercial Internet services on top of JINI. Related efforts are also persued in the Things That Think consortium of the MIT Media Lab (see the TTT homepage,1999), for example in the Personal Information Architecture group (see PIA homepage, 1999), or the Hive project. (see Hive homepage, 1999).

OWL provides an object-oriented and open framework that integrates all the objects available in a building and makes them available to applications such as facility management. By using design patterns OWL provides uniform access to all devices, independent from the control system. Additionally the concept of "scenes" allows users of OWL to personalize their environment.

Schulz and Schütze (1996) modeled a facility control system and facility simulation with the casetool Statemate. This model could be used for a refinement of the structural model used in OWL.

The Adaptive House project of Mozer et al. (see Mozer, 1999) uses neuronal networks to learn the users behavior. The goal is to anticipate user needs and to conserve energy. The system is called ACHE (AdaptiveControl of Home Environments), and uses low-voltage conductors for collecting sensor data and a power-line communication system for controlling lightings, fans, and electric outlets. Applications like the Adaptive House could be built on top of the OWL framework.


Summary and future Work

In this paper we presented an object-oriented framework for a family of collaborative building applications, such as distributed facility management. First we developed the requirements for a facility management system that is general enough to adapt to the needs of different user types ranging from the facility manager to normal user such as an office worker. With these requirements we designed a framework that consists of subsystems communicating via the OWL bus. We then described the subsystems in detail and showed where the use of design patterns lead us to manufacturer independence and reusability. Finally we described an existing conceptual prototype and the relation to other research efforts.

We continue to work on the OWL architecture in two directions. First, we would like to improve the software architecture with respect to building management. Our future efforts will aim at a stronger user integration into OWL controlled environments. This includes several aspects such as mobile users equipped with augmented reality systems, various authentication methods, and agents for negotiations of competing user needs.

Second, we would like to extend the OWL architecture to a general purpose framework for a wider class of applications. We hypothesize that applications such as train maintenance, aircraft inspection, remote health care and car diagnostics can be addressed with an architecture very similar to the one described in this paper. The issue is how to design a reusable framework that observes, controls and diagnoses the overall behavior of a sensor space. We are currently in the process of generalizing the OWL framework for this abstract problem (see Bruegge et al., 1997).



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