6 |
Scripts |
About Scripts
Together offers means to access modeling information,
prepare design and software documentation in the user-specified formats,
export to various file formats, and develop patterns and wizards.
Together supports scripts in the 3 scripting languages: Java
itself, TCL, and Python.
Java scripts in Together are simply Java classes. The scripts
access model information using open Script API
that provides extensive customizations to support the individual needs
of a wide variety of system modelers and developers. The script is as flexible
as Java itself. A script in Java is a class implementing the oisoft.togetherx.scriptapi.Script
You can create, edit, and run scripts within Together using intensively
the model information from an open project. Scripts may generate documents
and software presentations based on the project.
TCL and Python scripts are running by the corresponding subsystems of
Together. Since these are interpreting scripts, no compilation is
For the information on TCL scripts and language refer to
For the information on Python scripts and language refer to
Scripts feature availability
The extent to which you can work with scripts depends upon your license.
Access has 3 levels: (1) no access to scripts, (2) access to run ready-made
scripts, and (3) access to custom scripts development.
You can edit a Java script in the Together editor even if your
product version does not have round-trip engineering for Java. You can
run scripts when any project is open, or, if your script is not dependent
on model information, when no project is open.
Note: Java scripts in source are DISABLED by default. To enable
Java scripts in source, locate the following line in the ./lib/
;script.loader.usescriptinsource = true
and uncomment this line by deleting the leading semi-colon (;) character.
Reload properties if Together is already running.
Script API
Together (starting from version 2) offers the open API to allow
the advanced user to develop scripts in Java accessing the Model information.
Refer to Script API reference documentation
located in the ./doc/scriptapi directory.
Directory structure
of Script processing system
$TOGETHER_HOME$/source |
source base directory, created on installation
$TOGETHER_HOME$/source/oisoft/togetherx/scriptapi |
sources of Script API interfaces: required for compilation,
created on installation
$TOGETHER_HOME$/source/oisoft/togetherx/scripts |
directory for script sources.
Created on installation, this directory contains source for a number
of sample scripts.
Place your own script source here.
$TOGETHER_HOME$/scripts |
directory for TCL and Python scripts.
Created on installation, this directory contains sample scripts.
Place your own TCL and Python scripts here.
$TOGETHER_HOME$/classes |
compiled classes base directory, created on installation
$TOGETHER_HOME$/classes/oisoft/togetherx/scripts |
directory for compiled scripts, created on installation
This directory contains ready-made precompiled scripts that can be
invoked from the Tools menu.
These are scripts for COM IDL files generation, RTF documents generation
and converting to Rose 98 files.
Place your own compiled scripts in this directory.
default directory for scripts' output documents, created when
Note: The $TOGETHER_HOME$ variable represents the root folder of
your Together installation.
Working with compiled
Java scripts
Some compiled scripts are established directly in the Tools menu. E.g.
to run the script that generates IDL sources from the current model, call
Tools | Generate IDL from the main menu.
All the compiled scripts (which files are located in ./classes/oisoft/togetherx/scripts)
are accessible through the Open Script dialog.
Choose Tools | Open Script to open it. Select the script name under "Compiled"
tab and click Run.
The further concrete functionality depends on the script invoked. As
a rule, a script writes some information to output stream. In this case
the File dialog is opened enabling you to assign a file for output.
Output Document
If your script generates an output document and calls APIManager.getOutputStream()
and/or APIManager.getOutputDirectory() methods, the Save As file
dialog is displayed.
Enter the name for the document.
By default, the documents are written to $TOGETHER_HOME$/out
directory, but you can choose another using the dialog.
Developing own
Java scripts
If you have a full-rights license and if your
file contains the line:
script.loader.usescriptinsource = true
then on calling Tools | Open script menu command, the extended Open
Script dialog appears.
This dialog contains additional page, "Java", and two additional
buttons, Create and Edit. In the "Java" page you will
see the list of Java files found in ./source/oisoft/togetherx/scripts
Creating Java scripts
To create a new script, click "Create" button. The Create
script dialog appears.
For creating the simplest script you should just enter its name and
press OK.
When you choose Tools | Open script next time, the new script is listed
in the "Java" page. You can edit or run it.
With the Create script dialog you can also include some frequently used
features in your script using checkboxes in the "Options" bottom left panel.
Check "Extend UMLVisitor class", if you want to use "Visitor" pattern in
your script;
Check "Use output stream", if your script will write some output;
Check "Open external viewer", if you want the output file to be opened
automatically in the application associated with the file extension after
the script finishes;
Check "Customize script", if you want to customize some properties of your
script before execution.
For customization of your script before execution, you can use properties.
To make it:
Check "Customize script" checkbox;
Add properties you need clicking "Add property" button in the Create
script dialog;
For each property, enter the name, the type and the initial value in the
dialog displayed.
Editing Java scripts
To edit Java scripts in Together:
Open any project.
Select the script, you want to edit in the Open Script dialog.
Click Edit to open the script source code in the Text pane.
The script source file is automatically saved and closed when you
select an element having parallel source code in the Diagram or Navigation
Note: You must use a Together product with round-trip engineering
support for Java to be able to edit Java scripts in the text pane.
Use an external Java editor if necessary. You can run Java scripts
from any Together edition with scripts support.
Compiling Java scripts
To compile Java scripts, you need to install a Java compiler (not included
with Together). You can download a JDK free from
The compiler installation installs standard Java classes, usually in
Before compiling from Together, you should specify the paths to
your Java compiler and standard Java classes in the
script.loader.javac = <the full path to the compiler, including
the name and extension>
script.loader.classes = <the full path to standard Java
classes (usually in>
script.loader.javac = "e:/jdk1.1.5/bin/javac.exe"
script.loader.classes = "e:/jdk1.1.5/lib/"
You should specify the '' file for the compiler you use.
For example if you have two versions of JDK, avoid specifying the compiler
from one and from another.
You can specify additional class paths and libraries to be passed to
the compiler by adding these paths specification to the script.loader.classes
property. Delimit each path with a semi-colon (;).
script.loader.classes = "e:/jdk1.1.5/lib/;e:/jacl1.0/jacl.jar"
Once your file contains correct paths, you can
compile scripts. Select the script name under the "Java" tab and
click the "Run" button to start a console window for the Java compiler.
If compilation succeeds, the compiled script class loads and runs. If compilation
fails, a report is written to log.txt in $TOGETHER_HOME/source/oisoft/togetherx/scripts
and Together opens that file in the application associated with
.txt extension.
Script compilation output is written to: $TOGETHER_HOME/classes/oisoft/togetherx/scripts.
When you choose Tools | Open script next time, the new script is listed
in the Compiled page of the Open Script
You can edit your script in Together's text editor (see Editing Scripts
above) or in your favorite editor and recompile and run it without restarting
Together. When you complete script development, you can run it from the
Compiled page of the Open Script dialog.
Developing Java scripts
in your favorite IDE
You can develop your scripts in your favorite IDE, and just use Together
to run them .
Set the output directory of your IDE to $TOGETHER_HOME$/classes/oisoft/togetherx/scripts
and work as usual. (Note that $TOGETHER_HOME$ here should be resolved to
the concrete installation path).
All scripts should be declared in package oisoft.togetherx.scripts.
After you've compiled your script, invoke the Open
Script dialog in Together. The script's name appears in the
Compiled page.
This way you can skip setting script.loader.javac and script.loader.classes
properties in the file.
Customizing script with
If your script contains properties and calls...
public boolean customize(Object customizableObject,
String strTitle)
...method from APIManager where customizableObject
is the object or customization, and strTitle is the title for dialog,
... then the customization dialog appears.
You can interactively change the values of any properties and they will
be used in succeeding script operations. The method returns true
if user clicks OK and false if Cancel is clicked.
Usually, "customize()" is the first executable operator in script.
For example:
if (!customize(this, "Properties")) {
Working with TCL scripts
For all information about TCL refer to
TCL scripts are text files with .tcl extension and they should
be placed in ./scripts subdirectory to be available in Together.
TCL scripts are listed in "Tcl" page of the Open
script dialog. The scripts are interpreted by jacl.jar, working as
a part of Together.
When developing own TCL scripts for Together you should get
the pointer to APIManager, which in turn allows you to access all
the model information. For getting the variable that refers APIManager
in TCL use the following code:
set togetherapi [$this getAssocData "TogetherAPI"]
set apimanager [$togetherapi
Working with Python scripts
For all information about Python refer to
Python scripts are text files with .py extension and they should
be placed in ./scripts subdirectory to be available in Together.
Python scripts are listed in "Python" page of the Open
script dialog. The scripts are interpreted by jpython.jar, working
as a part of Together.
When developing own Python scripts for Together you should get
the pointer to APIManager, which in turn allows you to access all
the model information. For getting the variable that refers APIManager
in Python use the following code:
apimanager = TogetherAPI.getAPIManager()
Chapter contents
About Scripts
Scripts feature availability
Script API
Directory structure
of Script processing system
Working with
compiled Java scripts
Developing own
Java scripts
Creating Java scripts
Editing Java scripts
Compilation and
execution Java scripts
Developing Java scripts
in your favorite IDE
Customizing script with
Working with TCL scripts
Working with Python
This page is hosted by the Chair for Applied Software Engineering of the Technische Universität München.
Imprint (Impressum)