PAID User Interface : Prototype 2

This is the second HTML prototype for the User Interface. The last version can be found in the main CVS repository (draft/UI/layout2).

For those who have seen the first one, there's quite a lot of changes to the general look. Otherwise, we've just added what came up while we were perparing for the ODD presentation.

For better results, see it using Netscape 4.0 running on Windows NT. It works on Linux and the Mac, too, even though it's not quite the same. Explorer can't display the option panel properly.

Please, everyone, have a look at it and post your comments on the UI bboard.

DO comment on :

  • the feasability (tell us if you believe your subsystem won't support it !)
  • missing features your subsystem needs.
  • the descriptions (clarity, grammar, ...)
  • the general look (layout)
  • the user-friendlyness (...)
  • DO NOT comment on:
  • the size (the prototype does not support resizing. the java version will.)
  • the lack of images (send your ideas instead)
  • the quality of the HTML code...
  • Now, you can (The "main window" is the one that pops up when the user inserts the smartcard. It's closed when the smartcard is removed from the reader.)

    Stephane Zermatten
    Last modified: Wed Nov 25 15:45:16 EST 1998

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