RAD TemplateInstructions
RAD Template-to-RAD HowTo

The Documentation Team has created a RAD Template in StarOffice format. An excerpt of the James project RAD can help you filling in the template. There are links to this example HTML document in every chapter of the RAD template. Additionally, the RAD's of your CMU sister team may help you creating your RAD.
  1. Download the RAD Template and the James Example RAD as a ZIP file.
    Note: The links to the James example document are relative. Please let them reside in one single directory.
  2. Download all other CMU RAD's you need:
  3. In the RAD template, you find green "Hints" (also the name of the format style template) that contain questions you should ask yourself in that chapter, and the links to the other RAD's. Insert your text immediately below these hints. There is a free line for you to enter your text.
    When you are ready with your RAD, delete all these "Hints".
  4. Do not fill in chapter 2. "Current System" -- a chapter for the entire PAID system will be provided.
  5. Please set headings at a maximum level of 5 (i.e. only use headings up (down) to #.#.#.#.#)
  6. When your RAD is finished, please check that the table of contents matches the document structure.
  7. Do not forget to cross-check your ideas, requirements, scenarios, use cases, object model and dynamic models with the other PAID teams!
For all remaining questions and problems with the RAD template you can contact the Documentation team.

Post your team's final RAD on the Documentation bboard until Thursday January 14, 1999, 24:00.
author: Tobias Weishäupl
last modified: 99/01/11

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