2 Current System

Within Daimler-Benz, aftersales information is created and distributed by different departments. The major information sources today are service, parts, and vehicle information. Depending on the type of information, the company utilizes a variety of different distribution channels. Table 1 shows the main aftersales information types, the respective end user applications and distribution channels.

These distribution channels are typically very reliable but also very slow and inefficient. For instance, the distribution of service, parts, and vehicle information to the worldwide Mercedes-Benz sales organization is done monthly via a set of 12 CD-ROMs. This information is already partially outdated when it gets to the dealer. Looking at the information distribution channels that are available today through network technology, we can see that the current method of information distribution is too slow and inflexible to meet the demanding business requirements of Daimler-Benz.

Information Type


Distribution Channel

Service Information


CD-ROM, Paper, Microfiche

Diagnosis Information


CD-ROM, Paper, Microfiche

Parts Information


CD-ROM, Paper, Microfiche

Vehicle Information



On-line Car Configuration Data



Work Units and Operation Texts



Damage Codes



Table 1. Main aftersales information types, applications, and distribution channels

Integration of different information types is also an important issue. As shown in Table 1, there are currently seven disparate information applications that dealers must consult. Additionally, many dealers also have their own internal information system that stores data of interest to the dealer, such as customer information and inventory. Because data for the Daimler-Benz information systems are only updated monthly, important interim bulletins and updates are often distributed via paper, forcing the dealer to consult multiple sources for the most recent information. The variety of systems currently used also results in instances of double or triple data entry.

Daimler-Benz is constantly extending its business in terms of new product lines and new models of existing product lines. The amount of aftersales information is increasing due to the introduction of these new products. With the introduction of new aftersales information systems, additional information distribution channels are created, which will lead to a proliferation of distribution channels. This makes the information management process (creation, publishing, distribution, installation), from a technology and management point of view, very complex and expensive.

In summary, a reliable, flexible, and scalable solution for active information distribution is needed. In the next section, we will present our proposal for a new information distribution architecture that will not only improve current information distribution processes, but that will also be extensible and flexible enough to allow for the addition of new types of aftersales information.