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public abstract class DataObject
extends Object
implements Serializable

Variable Index

 o carClass
 o modelNumber
 o modelYear
 o price
 o serialNumber

Constructor Index

 o DataObject()

Method Index

 o getData()
getData is to be called by UI to fetch the requested data
 o getDataForNetwork()
getDataForNetwork is to be called by Network to fetch the requested data
 o getLocation(DataObject)
getLocation determines the location of a particular DataObject.
 o setValue(String, String)
This method sets a value into local storage.


 o price
 public double price
 o serialNumber
 public String serialNumber
 o modelNumber
 public int modelNumber
 o modelYear
 public int modelYear
 o carClass
 public String carClass


 o DataObject
 public DataObject()


 o getData
 public Vector getData()
getData is to be called by UI to fetch the requested data

Vector of requested Car Objects
 o getDataForNetwork
 public Vector getDataForNetwork()
getDataForNetwork is to be called by Network to fetch the requested data

Vector of requested Car Objects
 o getLocation
 public abstract String[] getLocation(DataObject d)
getLocation determines the location of a particular DataObject.

d - The Data Object to locate.
Vector of server names where the object is stored.
 o setValue
 public abstract void setValue(String name,
                               String value)
This method sets a value into local storage.

name - the name associated with this value
value - the value

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