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public class StubNetworkAPI
extends Object
This is the stub Network API to be used by other subsystems to test integration until the real one is available.

Constructor Index

 o StubNetworkAPI()

Method Index

 o addObjectToAgent(MulticastAgent, Object)
Stub implementation of addObjectToAgent().
 o connectAgents(MulticastAgent, MulticastAgent)
Stub implementation of connectAgents().
 o disconnectAgents(MulticastAgent, MulticastAgent)
Stub implementation of disconnectAgents().
 o getNewMulticastAgent()
Stub implementation of getNewMulticastAgent().
 o getNewMulticastAgent(MulticastAgent[])
Stub implementation of getNewMulticastAgent().
 o KillDownload(int)
Stub implementation of KillDownload().
 o multicastMessage(MulticastAgent, String, Object[], String)
Stub implementation of multicastMessage().
 o publishEvent(MulticastAgent, EventObject, Topic)
Stub implementation of publishEvent().
 o RemoteQuery(Data, RequestID, String[])
Stub implementation of RemoteQuery().
 o removeObjectFromAgent(MulticastAgent, Object)
Stub implementation of removeObjectFromAgent().


 o StubNetworkAPI
 public StubNetworkAPI()


 o RemoteQuery
 public int RemoteQuery(Data data,
                        RequestID reqID,
                        String serverList[])
Stub implementation of RemoteQuery().

 o KillDownload
 public void KillDownload(int downloadID)
Stub implementation of KillDownload().

 o getNewMulticastAgent
 public MulticastAgent getNewMulticastAgent()
Stub implementation of getNewMulticastAgent().

 o getNewMulticastAgent
 public MulticastAgent getNewMulticastAgent(MulticastAgent neighborList[])
Stub implementation of getNewMulticastAgent().

 o connectAgents
 public void connectAgents(MulticastAgent agent1,
                           MulticastAgent agent2)
Stub implementation of connectAgents().

 o disconnectAgents
 public void disconnectAgents(MulticastAgent agent1,
                              MulticastAgent agent2)
Stub implementation of disconnectAgents().

 o addObjectToAgent
 public void addObjectToAgent(MulticastAgent agent,
                              Object object)
Stub implementation of addObjectToAgent().

 o removeObjectFromAgent
 public void removeObjectFromAgent(MulticastAgent agent,
                                   Object object)
Stub implementation of removeObjectFromAgent().

 o multicastMessage
 public void multicastMessage(MulticastAgent initialAgent,
                              String methodSig,
                              Object args[],
                              String className)
Stub implementation of multicastMessage().

 o publishEvent
 public void publishEvent(MulticastAgent initialAgent,
                          EventObject event,
                          Topic topic)
Stub implementation of publishEvent().

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