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public class RemoteObjectManager
extends Object

Constructor Index

 o RemoteObjectManager()

Method Index

 o bind(String, Object)
Bind an object to a name in the local Namespace.
 o create(String)
Create a local instance of an object using the default constructor.
 o create(String, Object[])
Create a local instance of an object using another constructor.
 o create(String, Object[], String)
Create a remote instance of an object using another constructor.
 o create(String, String)
Create a remote instance of an object using the default constructor.
 o export(Object, String)
Export an object to a given port.
 o invokeFuture(Object, String, Object[])
Invoke a future message.
 o invokeOneWay(Object, String, Object[])
Invoke a one-way message (i.e.
 o invokeSync(Object, String, Object[])
Invoke a synchronous message.
 o lookup(String)
Get the object bound to a name a Namespace.
 o shutdown()
Kills Voyager threads on machine.
 o startup()
Startup Voyager threads.
 o startup(String)
Startup Voyager threads on a given url.
 o unbind(String)
Unbind the name from an object in the local namespace.


 o RemoteObjectManager
 public RemoteObjectManager()


 o startup
 public static void startup() throws VoyagerStartupPaidNetworkException
Startup Voyager threads.

Throws: VoyagerStartupPaidNetworkException
Relays exceptions thrown by Voyager.startup().
 o startup
 public static void startup(String url) throws VoyagerStartupPaidNetworkException
Startup Voyager threads on a given url.

Throws: VoyagerStartupPaidNetworkException
Relays exceptions thrown by Voyager.startup().
 o create
 public static Proxy create(String className) throws Exception
Create a local instance of an object using the default constructor.

className - Fully qualified class name including all package names.
A proxy to the newly created object.
Throws: Exception
Relays exceptions thrown by Voyager calls.
 o create
 public static Proxy create(String className,
                            Object args[]) throws Exception
Create a local instance of an object using another constructor.

className - Fully qualified class name including all package names.
args - Argument array for the target constructor.
A proxy to the newly created object.
Throws: Exception
Relays exceptions thrown by Voyager calls.
 o create
 public static Proxy create(String className,
                            String url) throws Exception
Create a remote instance of an object using the default constructor.

className - Fully qualified class name including all package names.
url - Specify the location for the object to be created.
A proxy to the newly created object.
Throws: Exception
Relays exceptions thrown by Voyager calls.
 o create
 public static Proxy create(String className,
                            Object args[],
                            String url) throws Exception
Create a remote instance of an object using another constructor.

className - Fully qualified class name including all package names.
args - Argument array for the target constructor.
url - Specify the location for the object to be created.
A proxy to the newly created object.
Throws: Exception
Relays exceptions thrown by Voyager calls.
 o invokeSync
 public static Result invokeSync(Object object,
                                 String method,
                                 Object args[])
Invoke a synchronous message.

object - The object on which to call the method.
method - The method name if it is uniquely identified, otherwise must be "methodName(type1, type2, ...)".
args - The array of arguements to pass to the method.
 o invokeOneWay
 public static void invokeOneWay(Object object,
                                 String method,
                                 Object args[]) throws NoSuchMethodException
Invoke a one-way message (i.e. Messages that have no return value).

object - The object on which to call the method.
method - The method name if it is uniquely identified, otherwise must be "methodName(type1, type2, ...)".
args - The array of arguements to pass to the method.
An exception, if one occurs.
Throws: NoSuchMethodException
Relays exceptions thrown by Voyager calls.
 o invokeFuture
 public static Result invokeFuture(Object object,
                                   String method,
                                   Object args[])
Invoke a future message.

object - The object on which to call the method.
method - The method name if it is uniquely identified, otherwise must be "methodName(type1, type2, ...)".
args - The array of arguements to pass to the method.
 o export
 public static Proxy export(Object object,
                            String port) throws IOException, InvalidXURLNetworkException
Export an object to a given port.

object - Object to export.
port - String with url to export object to.
A Proxy to the exported object.
Throws: InvalidXURLNetworkException
Relays exceptions thrown by Voyager calls.
 o bind
 public static void bind(String name,
                         Object object) throws NamespaceNetworkException
Bind an object to a name in the local Namespace.

name - Name to be bound to object.
object - Object being named.
Throws: NamespaceNetworkException
Relays exceptions thrown by Voyager calls.
 o unbind
 public static void unbind(String name) throws NamespaceNetworkException
Unbind the name from an object in the local namespace.

name - The name of the object to unbind.
 o lookup
 public static Proxy lookup(String name) throws NamespaceNetworkException
Get the object bound to a name a Namespace.

name - Namespace/name to lookup.
Proxy to object with the given name.
Throws: NamespaceNetworkException
Relays exceptions thrown by Voyager calls.
 o shutdown
 public static void shutdown()
Kills Voyager threads on machine.

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