Requirements Analysis Document
Augmented Reality Team
Christopher Lee, Jeremy Jones, Michael Fortson
Yik Lin Khoo, Leong Teo, Li Qiu

Current System
No Augmented Reality
Miniature Blueprints
Grease Pencil
Limited accuracy
Limited amount of detail

An inspector puts on a Stars PEDD
He turns on the PEDD and walks over to a damaged F-18
He stands at the nose cone of the plane
He calibrates the wire-frame
He begins his inspection of the plane

Proposed System
User Interface Manager
To manage and display the user interfaces of other subsystems
Calibration User Interface
An interface for calibrating the wire-frame overlay
Device Drivers to Support I/O Devices
Joystick, HMD, Positioning and Orientation Devices
Event System
To interpret low level events and dispatch them to the appropriate subsystems

Functional Requirements
Manage the HMD
Calibration of the wire-frame display
Interpret low-level data from input devices
Dispatch events to other subsystems

Hardware Considerations
PEDD must be capable of running a JVM
Java 3D
OpenGL or DirectX required for Java 3D on the Windows 98 platform
Positioning Device
Data must be accurate within three inches for extensibility
Orientation Device
Sensitive enough to track head movement

Performance Characteristics
Frame Rate
Wire-frame updates must be smooth
Input Devices
Update in real-time to ensure accurate feedback

Error Handling and Extreme Conditions
Bounds Checking
Make sure information from input devices is valid
Positioning or Orientation Device Failure
Invokes a manual calibration mode
PEDD Failure
No persistent data, requires only a recalibration

System Interfacing
Request services of the UI Manager
Receive input from our input device handlers
Request services of the UI Manager
Receive input from the input device handlers

System Modification
New Input Devices Require New Events
New Hardware Requires New Device Drivers
Examples: Transparent HMD, more accurate positioning device
User Interfaces
 May change with new technology requiring and update in the UI Manager
May become fully automated with newer technology

Security Issues
Augmented Reality has no risk of attack
No persistent data
No transmission to external systems
Other Subsystems
Authentication systems
Implemented on systems containing protected data

Mockup UIs

Class Diagram