Scenario from Project Agreement |
Hardware / Software Allocation |
AR Subsystem Object Model |
API Decisions |
Sequence Diagram for Scenario |
Development Status |
Herb turns on his PEDD and establishes a network
connection |
He selects “Get Workorder” from the pulldown
menu. |
An authentication window appears, requesting
username/password |
After authentication, a workorder is retrieved,
the UI is configured for an inspection. |
A calibration panel is added to the display |
A model view is added to the display |
The current view is from the front of the plane,
approximately 5 feet from the ground |
Herb walks to the front of the plane and aligns
his own view with the plane |
Herb clicks “finish calibration.” |
Herb’s position/orientation are now reflected in
the model view. |
AR concerned with managing |
Orientation device |
Positioning device |
Other hardware is managed by other subsystems |
UserInterface |
UserInterfaceManager |
AREvents |
AREventListeners |
Position and Orientation classes |
Initiate or end calibration |
Clients provide two user interfaces |
Full-Screen View |
Large buttons |
Detailed information |
Windowed View |
Minimal information |
Designed to fit into one of the smaller panels. |
UI Manipulation |
Add (register) UI |
Remove (unregister) UI |
Change display status of UI |
Subscribe to event classes |
StickyEvent |
Indicate placement of stickies. |
VectorEvent |
Indicate a changed position or orientation of
the mechanic |
UIStatusEvent |
Indicates a change in the display of a UI
element. |
Use addEventListener() from the UserInterfaceManager
class to listen to events. |
VectorDevice: |
PositionDevice |
Hardware device (GPS) or, |
ScriptPosition may simulate movements. |
OrientationDevice |
Hardware device (3-axis Gyroscope) or, |
ScriptOrientation may simulate head movements. |
Constructors and Destructors for: |
DBClient |
Created at initialization |
Handles authentication and retrieval of data for
other subsystems. |
MaintananceControl |
Responsible for beginning an inspection/repair
session. |
Analysis |
Completed |
Event model |
User interface management |
Doesn’t include a specific user interface,
however |
Initialization and termination sequence |
Incomplete |
User interface design |
Many dependencies on the other subsystems |
Completed except for specific user interface
issues. |
The newly formed/recognized UI subsystem is
intended to complete this analysis and design. |
Completed except for miscellaneous
implementation objects. |
To be handled during implementation. |
Begins ASAP (after Thanksgiving) |