ODD Presentation
By Authoring

Subsystem model
Screen Shots
Hardware/software allocation
API decisions
Description of decorated scenario
Status of subsystem development

Scenarios (Conversion)
Conversion of Document.
Actor receives notification of document ready to be converted.
Actor downloads document.
Actor converts document.
Actor uploads document to Database.

Scenarios (Verification)
Actor receives notification of change in document.
Actor retrieves document from database.
Actor verifies the document and either approves the document or adds annotation to the document.
Actor adds uploads the document to the database.

Scenarios (Correction)
Actor receives notification that there is an annotation to a document.
Actor retrieves the document from the database.
Actor makes the corrections to the document.
Actor uploads the document to the database.

Subsystem Design
Java doc at http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~davidg/se/javadoc
Screen shots!!!

Screen Shot
Authoring Client GUI.
Provides a way for the user to run various software to do the conversion, QC, correction, download documents from the database, and upload documents to the database.

Screen Shots
Allows user to check on the status of an IETM.

Screen Shots
Update File
Allows user to change a file on the database
Allows user to browse on the local hard drive for the file to upload

Hardware Software Decisions
Scanning documents
Photoshop on a Mac
Converting bitmaps to digital documents
ACS on Solaris
Converting digital documents to IETM

API Provided
Boolean addAnnnotation(String ietmID, String annotation).
This provides a way to add an annotation to an IETM.
External Web viewing IETM service will be provided  by ESI’s Web Viewer or Panorama Web Plug-In.

API Required
int submitDocument(String username, String password, String tableName, Document data)
Document retrieveDocument(String username, String password, String tableName, int docID, boolean forReading)
Enumeration listDocuments(String username, String password, String tableName, Enumeration fields, Enumeration values)
int updateDocument(String username, String password, String tableName, int docID, Document data)

Act I Cooking With Authoring
Authoring gets 1-2 pages of TM.
Scan with Photoshop on a Mac.
GCS on NT.
ACS on Solaris (8 hours later).
QC (inspection).
AIMSS 3.2.
IETM 3.2.
QC (again).
One Error.
QC (again).
Ship it to NAVY.
Intermission (magically IETM turns from 3.2 to 4.0).

Slide 14

Slide 15

Slide 16

Slide 17

Slide 18

Slide 19

Slide 20

Status of Subsystem Development
Requirement Analysis is done.
System Design is done.
Object Design is done.
Implementation is going on right now. All of our GUI is complete. Now all we have to do is our control objects.
Testing is happening as a top-down approach. We are using stubs that the GUI calls into.

Implementation: Dec 5th.
Unit Testing: Dec 5th.
Integration Tests: Dec 8th.