Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik

Reto - A ubiquitous P2P framework

Reto P2P FrameworkWe published the peer-to-peer real-time framework Reto on Github, that Julian Asamer developed during his Master's Thesis under the supervision of Stephan Krusche. Reto is available in Swift on iOS and OS X (sReto) and in Java 8 (jReto) for Windows, OS X and Unix. Both implementations are compatible with each other regarding the network protocol and the exposed API. Reto allows data exchange between multiple peers in WiFi networks, over Bluetooth or over the Internet using a dedicated, but simple WebSocket server. Reto supports discovery of and communication with peers that cannot be reached directly by using other peers to forward data. The framework offers an easy-to-use, high-level, object-oriented API and can be integrated without much effort into existing applications. Try out one of the example applications on Github and participate in the further development by creating issues and pull requests! Active contributors can also get write access to the repositories. 

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