Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik

Application for Seminar Games Development (WS12/13) now possible

The Seminar Games Development with iOS will be offered again in the winter term 2012 / 2013. Interested students can apply for it by filling out the application form on the course page.

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The iOS Praktikum 2012

The iOS Praktikum 2012 with more than 100 students will start with the Kickoff on 19th of April at HS1.

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Games Development with iOS

The seminar starts at Monday, 2nd of April, 9:00 am. Students first learn in interactive presentations how to develop games for iPhone or iPads.

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JASS 2012

The Joint Advanced Student School (JASS) in St. Petersburg (Russia) took place from 18th to 24th of March 2012 in cooperation between St. Petersburg Academic University and Technische Universität München (TUM).

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The iOS Praktikum 2011

The objective of this course was the development of applications that experiment with modern user interface requirements. Students got to know background, tools and methods required to develop applications for the iOS.

In addition to software engineering concepts like object oriented analysis, design and realization of GUI based applications participants learned the key concepts of usability engineering.


For this course, real industrial partners provided their problem statements. Students got real team and project experience while actually using real data and working tightly together with the client.

In short: Students developed a real iOS application under real world conditions, including a real deadline.



Recommendation and configuration of audio profiles for hearing devices


iPad based center console for the R8


Bavarian Symphony Orchestra
A baton to learn conducting


Market research application for the customers of a super market


Adaptive non linear learning game


Logistics application for the management of an ice chest



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